Question: 1
A major deficiency in paragraph #5 related to the completeness of the engagement communication is that
Question: 2
A major writing problem in paragraph #5 is: The use of potentially emotional words such as "conservatism" of local management.The presentation of observations before recommendations. The engagement communication would have more impact if recommendations are made before the observations are discussed.The specific identification of "component parts" maybe offensive to the personnel responsible for those parts and may reflect negatively on them.The reference to other parts of the engagement communication citing excessive inventory write-downs for obsolescence is not appropriate. If there is a problem, it should all be discussed within the context of the specific engagement observation.
Answer : A
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Question: 3
A major deficiency in paragraph #6 related to the completeness of the engagement communication is that the
Question: 4
A major deficiency in paragraph #7 related to the completeness of the engagement communication is
Question: 5
A major deficiency in paragraph #8 is